Treatment of tick paralysis starts with removal of all ticks on the pet. This means clipping the pet if needed and may require medication to kill all the ticks still on the animal. An antiserum would be administered to counteract the toxins from the tick bites. Supportive care is given during recovery. Treatment of tick paralysis can be very expensive. Tick prevention is a better and less costly way to prevent it.
No anti-tick methods are 100% effective, so you should still check your pet daily if there is any chance they have been exposed to these ticks. This should continue for 7 days afterwards and thereafter check your pet once a month or so for any other ticks. Check the entire body, under the collar, between the toes, in the ears, the entire front and under the lips.
We can assist in teaching you how to do a full tick search as well as prevention for your pet and decontaminating the environment.