Cat Vaccination Guide
Kittens and unvaccinated adult cats should have a minimum of 2 vaccinations, 3 to 4 weeks apart against calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, feline panleukopenia, leukaemia virus and chlamydia. They should also have 3 vaccinations against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), 3 to 4 weeks apart. First vaccinations should be done on or after 8 weeks of age. Boosters should be done yearly thereafter.
After the vaccination, your cat may seem a little out of sorts for a couple of days. There may be some tenderness and inflammation at the vaccination site. Your cat should be kept comfortable and be allowed to rest to recover quickly. Make sure they have adequate and easy access to food and water. If you find that your cat is having a usual or severe reaction to the vaccination, contact your vet as soon as possible.
Vaccinations are given against the following diseases:
Contact us to discuss an effective vaccination schedule for your kitten or cat.